Tuesday 19 June 2012

Here's a suggestion for a website that I might create when i have the time, but feel free to create in the meantime and make it prettier than i would.

it allows people to vote on the worst quotes of scottish football


user: proposes a quote by a public figure about Scottish football which they consider to be wrong or misleading.  They provide the following [example, and possibly wrong] info:

quote: "Craig Whyte has wealth off the radar"
from: Keith Jackson
optional support argument: "turned out he had none"
supporting evidence: (or to a tweet from an official source or a recording of the radio or a youtube clip)
optional date of quote: "1/12/11"

administrator: activates that proposal unless it doesn't meet the criteria:

it must be relevant
it must be proved to have been said
it must not be a duplicate
it must be from a public figure


user: presented with two random quotes, picks which one was the most preposterous. 

example: KEITH JACKSON "Craig Whyte has wealth off the radar" vs CHICK YOUNG "there is no mechanism for a new Rangers to join the SFL"

the chosen quote gains points, the beaten ones loses points.  the algorithm for this should allow more recent quotes to catch up with old ones quickly if it wins a lot.  top of the league is the quote that has been found to be most preposterous

user: views a table showing the ranking of the various quotes based on the voting that has taken place

user: optionally views a table with a ranking for individuals based on their quotes

administrator:  occasionally retires unpopular quotes.

a favourite iconic quote flavour of the site where things like "The Big Hoose Must Stay Open" meets "This is not the end it's just the beginning" etc